swagroutes |
Extract and list API routes from Swagger files in YAML/JSON format. |
DomLink |
Link a domain with registered organisation names and emails, to other domains. |
DNSCewl |
A DNS bruteforcing wordlist generator. |
fastsub |
A DNS bruteforcer with multi-threading, and handling of bad resolvers. |
subtake |
Extension of sublister tool to check for subdomain takeovers. |
IAMagic |
Advanced AWS access credentials scanner. |
Kubestroyer |
Exploit Kubernetes clusters misconfigurations and be the swiss army knife of your pentests. |
GhostTrack |
Useful tool to track location or mobile number. |
wildcrawl |
Crawls URL to get a better image of what is tied to a website. |
Kraken |
A modular multi-language webshell. |
dorky |
Quickly do keyword searches over GitLab and GitHub for OSINT & bug bounty recon. |
KeePwn |
A python script to help red teamers discover KeePass instances and extract secrets. |
PyShell |
Multiplatform Python webshell. |
svn-extractor |
Simple script to extract all web resources by means of .SVN folder exposed over network. |
PowerMeUp |
A small library of powershell scripts for post exploitation that you may need or use! |