A tool to identify and exploit sudo rules misconfigurations and vulnerabilities. |
PhoneInfoga |
Information gathering framework for phone numbers. |
Responder |
Responder is a LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoner. |
ikeforce |
Command line IPSEC VPN brute forcing tool for Linux. |
Snaffler |
A tool to help at finding delicious candy needles in a bunch of horrible boring haystacks. |
RidRelay |
Enumerate usernames on a domain where you have no creds by using SMB relay. |
pypykatz |
Mimikatz implementation in pure Python. |
Wordsmith |
Assist with creating tailored wordlists, mostly based on geolocation. |
SimplyEmail |
Email recon made fast and easy, with a framework to build on. |
Rock-ON |
All in one recon tool that just get a single domain name and do all of the work alone. |
RedTeam_toolkit |
Open source Django offensive webapp which is keeping the best tools used in the redteaming. |
smbmap |
A handy SMB enumeration tool. |
celerystalk |
An asynchronous enumeration & vulnerability scanner. |
reDuh |
Create a TCP circuit through validly formed HTTP requests. |
reGeorg |
Pwn a bastion webserver and create SOCKS proxies through the DMZ. |
Kwetza |
Infect an existing Android application with a Meterpreter payload. |
ADRecon |
Gather information about the Active Directory and generates a report. |
AWSloot |
Pull secrets from an AWS environment. |
Striker |
Offensive information and vulnerability scanner. |
sqlmate |
A friend of SQLmap which will do what you always expected from SQLmap. |
favirecon |
Use favicon.ico to improve your target recon phase. |
Spy Extension |
This Chrome extension will read literally everything it can. |