The AWS Cloud Post Exploitation framework!
barq is a post-exploitation framework that allows you to easily perform attacks on a running AWS infrastructure. It allows you to attack running EC2 instances without having the original instance SSH keypairs. It also allows you to perform enumeration and extraction of stored Secrets and Parameters in AWS.
Main Features:
- Attacking EC2 instances without knowing keypairs or connection profiles/passwords.
- Dumping EC2 secrets and parameters.
- Enumerating EC2 instances and security groups.
- Ability to launch Metasploit and Empire payloads against EC2 instances.
- Training mode to test attacks and features without messing with running production environment.
- Tab-completed commands in a menu-based navigation system.
- Ability to dump EC2 instance metadata details.
- Ability to use EC2 keys or tokens (for example acquired from compromised instances or leaked source code)
- Printing for you the listening commands for msfconsole in cli mode for easy copy-pasting.