VBA obfuscation tools combined with an MS Office document generator .
VBad is fully customizable VBA Obfuscation Tool combined with an MS Office document generator. It aims to help Red & Blue team for attack or defense.
- Encrypt all strings present in your VBA code;
- Encrypt data from your python Script in VBA code (domain names or paths for example);
- Randomize each functions' (or variables) names that you want;
- Delete all tabulation/spaces/cariage return;
- Chose Encryption method, how and where encryption keys are stored;
- Add customizable fake keys (to avoid some easy detection stuff);
- Generate as many unique MS Office document (with different randomize in the VBA) as you want using a filename list and a document Template;
- Enable autodestruction of encryption Keys feature once the VBA has been trigger once;
- fake keys implementation on #VBad to avoid some easy detection stuff;
- able to destroy references to the module containing effective payload in order to make it invisible from VBA Developper Tool