People tracker on the Internet: OSINT analysis and research tool.
LOCATOR OPTIMIZATION: Trace the path between you and the target you're tracking. Each time you make a move, the path will be updated, the location of the target is obtained silently through a bypass made in the browsers, allowing you to skip the location request on the victim's side, and at the same time maintain a precision of 99% in the locator.
APPROACH: When you're close to the target, Trape will tell you.
REST API: Generates an API (random or custom), and through this you can control and monitor other Web sites on the Internet remotely, getting the traffic of all visitors.
PROCESS HOOKS: Manages social engineering attacks or processes in the target's browser.
PUBLIC NETWORK TUNNEL: Trape has its own API that is linked to ngrok.com to allow the automatic management of public network tunnels; So you can publish the content of your trape server which is executed locally to the Internet, to manage hooks or public attacks.
CLICK ATTACK TO GET CREDENTIALS: Automatically obtains the target credentials, recognizing your connection availability on a social network or Internet service.
NETWORK: You can get information about the user's network.
PROFILE: Brief summary of the target's behavior and important additional information about your device.
USABILITY: You can delete logs and view alerts for each process or action you run against each target.