JEB Decompiler
Decompile and debug binary code and obfuscated apps, break down and analyze document files.
JEB is our reverse-engineering platform to perform disassembly, decompilation, debugging, and analysis of code and document files, manually or as part of an analysis pipeline.
Android Dalvik, Intel x86, ARM, MIPS, RISC-V, S7 PLC, Java, WebAssembly & Ethereum Decompilers.
Cut down on costly reverse engineering time: decompile obfuscated APKs, examine Java code and debug closed-source apps in minutes. Our modular back-end, coupled with a powerful UI front-end for desktop platforms, allow refactoring operation and scripting to automate complex tasks.
Perform static and dynamic analysis of Android applications, goodware or badware, small or large.
- Decompile code using our Dalvik decompiler, including multi-dex APK.
- Refactor the analysis to defeat obfuscated code generated by application protectors.
- Reconstruct resources and obfuscated XML files.
- Debug Dalvik code as well as all native code (Intel, ARM), seamlessly.
- Automate and script your reverse engineering tasks via our API.