A security oriented software fuzzer.
- It's multi-process and multi-threaded: there's no need to run multiple copies of your fuzzer, as honggfuzz can unlock potential of all your available CPU cores with a single running instance. The file corpus is automatically shared and improved between all fuzzed processes.
- It's blazingly fast when the persistent fuzzing mode is used. A simple/empty LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput function can be tested with up to 1mo iterations per second on a relatively modern CPU (e.g. i7-6700K).
- Has a solid track record of uncovered security bugs: the only (to the date) vulnerability in OpenSSL with the critical score mark was discovered by honggfuzz. See the Trophies paragraph for the summary of findings to the date.
- Uses low-level interfaces to monitor processes (e.g. ptrace under Linux and NetBSD). As opposed to other fuzzers, it will discover and report hijacked/ignored signals from crashes (intercepted and potentially hidden by a fuzzed program).
- Easy-to-use, feed it a simple corpus directory (can even be empty for the feedback-driven fuzzing), and it will work its way up, expanding it by utilizing feedback-based coverage metrics.
- Supports several (more than any other coverage-based feedback-driven fuzzer) hardware-based (CPU: branch/instruction counting, Intel BTS, Intel PT) and software-based feedback-driven fuzzing modes. Also, see the new qemu mode for blackbox binary fuzzing.
- Works (at least) under GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Mac OS X, Windows/CygWin and Android.
- Supports the persistent fuzzing mode (long-lived process calling a fuzzed API repeatedly). More on that can be found here.
- It comes with the examples directory, consisting of real world fuzz setups for widely-used software (e.g. Apache HTTPS, OpenSSL, libjpeg etc.).
- Provides a corpus minimization mode.