Vulnerability scanner for mass detection of web-based applications vulnerabilities.
- Senstive files e.g(.git, info.php ..)
- Subdomain takeover
- Anonymous FTP login
- S3 buckets misconfiguration including automatic takeover and upload
- HTTP Request Sumggling
- Firebase database misconfiguration
- Senstive information disclosure e.g(API Keys, Secrets ..) including JS files and HTML pages
- Missing SPF Records
- Path Traversal
- PHP-CGI - CVE_2012_1823
- Shell Shock - CVE_2014_6271
- Struts RCE - CVE_2018_11776
- WebLogic RCE - CVE_2019_2725
- Confluence LFI - CVE_2019_3396
- Ruby on Rails LFI - CVE_2019_5418
- Atlassian SSRF - CVE_2019_8451
- Apache Httpd mod_rewrite - CVE_2019_10098