SQLMutant |
Searches for automated subdomain enumeration and runs SQLi tests. |
TerminatorZ |
Scan for top potential vulnerabilities with known CVEs in your web applications. |
SSRFPwned |
Checks for SSRF using custom payloads after fetching URLs from sources & applying complex patterns. |
ScopeHunter |
Command-line tool for finding in-scope targets for bug bounty programs. |
Ciphey |
Automates decryptions & decodings with encodings, classical ciphers, hashes, or more. |
Smart DNS Brute Forcer. |
Invoke-PSImage |
Encodes a PowerShell script in the pixels of a PNG file and generates a oneliner to execute. |
Invoke-WCMDump |
PowerShell script to dump Windows credentials from the Credential Manager. |
Invoke-BSOD |
For when you want a computer to be done - without admin!. |
CarbonCopy |
Creates a spoofed certificate of any online website and signs an executable for AV evasion. |
Bypass for PowerShell Constrained Language Mode. |
PowerShdll |
Run PowerShell with rundll32 in order to bypass software restrictions. |
Dumpert |
LSASS memory dumper using direct system calls and API unhooking. |
mimikittenz |
A post-exploitation powershell tool for extracting juicy info from memory. |
sub404 |
A fast tool to check subdomain takeover vulnerability. |
NMapify |
Quickly and accurately create a visual representation of their Nmap output. |
ScareCrow |
Payload creation framework designed around EDR bypass. |
h8mail |
Powerful and user-friendly password hunting tool. |
ffufPostprocessing |
Golang tool which helps dropping the irrelevant entries from your ffuf result file. |