webpalm |
A tool that traverses a website and generates a tree of all the webpages and their links. |
NanoDump |
A flexible tool that creates a minidump of the LSASS process. |
hrekt |
A really fast HTTP prober. |
subnerium |
A fast passive subdomain enumeration tool that uses various sources to gather data. |
SharpSCCM |
A post-exploitation tool designed to leverage Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager. |
Go365 |
Go365 performs user enumeration and password guessing attacks on organizations that use Office365. |
haktrails |
Golang client for querying SecurityTrails API data. |
MSOLSpray |
A password spraying tool for Microsoft Online accounts (Azure/O365). |
s3cXSSer |
This extension will help you to detect GET/POST based XSS vulnerability in any website easily. |
certmon |
A simple certificate expiration monitor script. |
Pymeta |
Search the web for files on a domain to download and extract metadata. |
CTFd |
A Capture The Flag framework focusing on ease of use and customizability. |
SpiderSuite |
Advanced web spider/crawler for cyber security professionals. |
hakip2host |
Takes a list of IP addresses then does a series of checks to return associated domain names. |
hakoriginfinder |
Discover the origin host behind a reverse proxy, useful for bypassing cloud WAFs!. |
hakfindinternaldomains |
Feed it a list of subdomains, it will resolve them and tell you which ones are internal. |
haklistgen |
Turns any junk text into a usable wordlist for brute-forcing. |
PowerMeta |
Searches for publicly available files hosted on various websites for a particular domain. |