favirecon |
Use favicon.ico to improve your target recon phase. |
SSTImap |
Automatic SSTI detection tool with interactive interface. |
safecopy |
Burp Extension for copying requests safely. |
webanalyze |
Uncovers technologies used on websites to automate mass scanning. |
Wireshark |
Network sniffer that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. |
EyeWitness |
Take screenshots of websites, provide server header info and identify default credentials. |
Reaver |
Implements a brute force attack against Wifi Protected Setup (WPS) registrar PINs. |
Invoke-ADEnum |
Automate Active Directory Enumeration using PowerView. |
ncrack |
Open source tool for network authentication cracking. |
nodejsscan |
A static security code scanner for Node.js applications. |